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The Power of Intention

To feel life when we are planting seeds for the the year to come IS to Re-connect with the spiritual alignment of the metaphysical realms, to aim clear intentions follow by the right consciousnesses.

In order for any Light to be revealed, there has to be a vessel. A vessel, however, is not just a true desire; it is also certainty that something can, or will, happen. There is a very big difference between desiring something to happen, and having the consciousness that it can.

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Tal Eshed
Body's of Light

The Dive In... experience allowing us to feel our body as a vessel for the light. Through embodied our water, feelings and emotions, the universe within, we can tap into the unseen realms using all senses and the undefined seance that allow us to listen and receive wisdom of our unique gifts from the great intelligent we are exciting in.

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Tal Eshed
Giving Thanks & Appreciation - ShalOM

What ever we think, say or do, echoes in eternity. It is our individual responsibility to make Peace within ourselves first, to feel the compassion and wholeness of what is and from there we can perhaps inspire more around us. We are only one drop in this ocean. We are Divine be-ing, a soul living in a temporary body. we are here to serve and make this planet we live on a place of peace, harmony and bliss. We are Love made of Light.

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eva garza