Giving Thanks & Appreciation - ShalOM
What ever we think, say or do, echoes in eternity. It is our individual responsibility to make Peace within ourselves first, to feel the compassion and wholeness of what is and from there we can perhaps inspire more around us. We are only one drop in this ocean. We are Divine be-ing, a soul living in a temporary body. we are here to serve and make this planet we live on a place of peace, harmony and bliss. We are Love made of Light. Vibrating through time and space in this realm where everything seams separate but in fact we are All made of the same source - the ONE consciousness of bliss. Our spirit is Love and unite all separation. Let us inspire each-other and support this growth as we are all part of the same whole miraculous creation weaving threads of light and each one unique gifts into each-others life journey. May we All float in Peace ~ ShalOM. Amen.
Tal ~ Tara
© Artwork by Tal Eshed all rights reserved