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Body's of Light

Photos by: Natalia Ariza Muñoz.
Gratitude to the Conscious Bottle creators > more info at etsy.com/shop/consciousbottle / Info@consciousbottle.com

The Dive In... experience allowing us to feel our body as a vessel for the light. Through embodied our water, feelings and emotions, the universe within, we can tap into the unseen realms using all senses and the undefined seance that allow us to listen and receive wisdom of our unique gifts from the great intelligent we are exciting in.

From a "Kabbalistic" perspective, water is the primary earthly expression of the light of the creator in a physical form. Water is part of everything, it is consciousness, it is alive. Just as we can renew our bodies by drinking water, we also can renew our connection to our souls with water. Through the force found within water, we can be spiritually cleansed of the interferences that keep us disconnected from our own souls.

Seventy-five percent of the body that we are born with consists of water. As we grow older it is actually going down so some of the water dissipates from our body. Water found to be the best conductor in the world therefor, we can charge it with the right positive consciousness with our thoughts, it can hold the vibration of it surrounding so the water that we pray for returning to the original water of the day of creation, that will have a harmonious crystal structure with healing benefits. Inspired from Masaru Emoto work - I have been learning the mysterious properties of the water for the past two decades and still amazed of all that this elemental element influence all life so profoundly: “Water is the mirror of the soul. It has many faces, formed by aligning itself with the consciousness of human being. ...The entire universe is in a state of vibration, and each thing generates its own frequency, which is uniq. ...Human beings are also vibrating, and each individual vibrates at a unique frequency. ...Water records information, and then while circulating through the earth distributes information.” (from The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto).

The thoughts we have, affect our water inside. Just like the light itself is the energy of sharing also the water can become a human-body of sharing. This is the energy of mercy respecting all, seeing the light of the creator in everyone. Water is cleansing, purify, healing and nursing feeding all living life. Water is our first medicine its caries and hold space for our biggest evolution in the womb.

With gratitude and appreciation to our lineage and ancestors asking to connect and allowing the inner water to help us transform our consciousness being a channel for the light to comet hrough us. Being a Chanel sitting with intention as an “art-body” being the being created to share the light that we are in a conscious way. This is an opportunity to come together as a community and take responsibility of our water within as well around us.

”The more we can inject human dignity and kindness into our daily interactions with others, the more “chesed” (mercy) we will bring to ourselves and the world.” Karen berg. Following that, my message is that the more mercy we are the more harmonious flow of light go through our bodies.

© Artwork by Tal Eshed all rights reserved

Tal Eshed