Dive In… The Outdoor Performance
March 2019 “Dive In… The Outdoor Performance”,
Location will be sent personally to those who RSVP
Inspired from my NDE in 2012 through a deep healing process exploring relation to the un-seen world and the beyond into bliss – the consciousness of the source - this evolving piece is a call to re-member where we are coming from and what we are made of - the divine light that is manifest through the soul that inhabits in our body. This is a call out to connect to those gifts and shine our lights from the inside-out. Light can only come out of darkness. May we all be a wake, see, feel and know the light that is within. May we be that light and support a peaceful and harmonies present of living expression of love.
'Dive in…' is an invitation to take part in a shared meditative based experience along with other people, to enter our world of feelings, perceptions, and thoughts. The performance is constructed so that the participants can choose the extent of their engagement. We gather together with love & gratitude to honor our life the water within and all around us. Will be guided through water ceremony and silence meditation.
It is possible to enter one of the 'meditation suits' that are neutral, human shaped soft apparatuses that help muffle the senses and assist during the first phase of the experience by helping to gain a stronger connection to the self. The artwork is meant to help tune into a sphere that is subjective and hyper personal and from there to reach into a compassionate empathetic and potentially healing reestablishment of connection with a more communal place or zone through unity and acceptance.
"Melting our identity into a fountain of light | Extending into our surroundings | Transforms the mirrored perceiver into Sprouting jets of psycho gism. | This still human archetype is a vessel of transformation | Into the elevated order." Reflection: Purification | Spiritual energy system. (From "The Chapel of sacred mirrors" by Alex Gray.)
The outdoor performance occurs in the public sphere in attempt to create a dialog that transcends the art gallery as a specific place with its set of cultural contexts. It aims to reach and inspire a widespread stillness within the outside world. To further this process and potentially expand the reach of this project, it is an extended invitation to participate in a communal potentially transformative moment.
'Diving in…' grants the opportunity to accept what is within us as a whole – shadows and lights – in a constant search for a harmonious flow. It is being able to surrender and let go of the mind’s actions and to find oneness with the magical creation of life with all its intertwining connections.
"In a cosmos of billions of galaxies. In a galaxy of billions of stars, there's a planet with billions of people - The only one we know, And every breath we breath is a miracle. Our heart pump. We see, we feel, we taste, we hear, we touch our world. And sometimes we forget the pure wonder Of our brief journey on earth. My life is committed to making artwork That wakes people up to the miracle of Life. The value of being human And the transformative power of Love. There are moments when we see Behind the opaque curtain of Life, When the infinite One Shines through the skin of the beloved And we recognize the game we are in, The journey we are on, The powerful beings that we are And the truth that is worth living for..." (From "Reflection: Divination" by Alex and Alison Gray.)
If you choose to done a suit please send your request, there are only 7 bodysuits available on a first come first served basis S,M &L according to height. It is a full bodysuit with face covered and zippered in the back.
All invited to participate without the suit as well. We are all as ONE Body.
Please wear all white layers that will keep you warm. Don't bring any valuable with you, the performance is taking place on the beach, we sit on the sand and will have only us in the space no additional extra blankets or pillows or bags.
I humbly strive to Re-connect and Remember that I am doing my art practice as of service to share an experience through my personal journey perspective. Asking questions about the meaning of life and the purpose of being here and NOW in this lifetime.
Thank you for choosing to "Dive in..."
with you we will all weave a great connection with ourself into this magnificent beautiful creation.
May we all share our eternal flame & float into bliss ~ together we will reveal the conceal light.
"Light is only light when it comes out of darkness. Good is only good when it comes out of bad. If a person leaves the negative path he reveals great light" (The Zohar)
~ Together will create liquid light ~
Please RSVP to get Location details
Love & Light,
© Artwork by Tal Eshed all rights reserved