exciting for our last 2024
~ BeLoveH2O ~
thank you for Joining the wave
One Heart ~ One Soul ~ Love Vibration
༺:♡ Thursday, Feb 27th ♡ @ 7:30-8:00pm (EST)
Mindfully choosing to align with the soul journey
planting seeds of love & UNITY starting a NEW consciousness
Intention settings to the ONE consciousness of ALL.
the DIVINE GRACE revaluations within each of us removing the veils of separation. Together we reveal the concealed light that has always been here from the beginning.
New Moon. Water Blessing. Global Meditation
We will be connecting as individuals from our hOMe on our own following the suggested guidelines. *** A free connection
This video, is offering a guided meditation, with the 72 names of God, from the nanotechnology of Kabbalah teachings
I am excited to share this newborn creation (which was activated in the new moon of Aries, in March, 2020) that represents the first new moon of the year. Knowing the beauty of this prayer, I kept my desire strong and certain to push through its painful birth so I can share it with the world! Thank you for your openness to this emerging ~ liquid light flow.
With gratitude in my heart, I invite you to virtually join this prayer directed toward waters of life all around the world and beyond. I ask that you hold space from your hOMe with your unique way of connecting to the life forces within you. This is a moment in time where are asked to unite and share our light in liquid form that is manifested in our bodies. We will be holding intentions towards expansion and evolution as we reach higher levels of consciousness together. By connecting to the light within, we can also experience our inner selves through the water that keeps us alive.
This is a call to be united for 30 min as we connect through our hearts from wherever we are, sharing Love & Gratitude. Through our intentions, we'll activate and bless our water and also send positive energy wherever it is needed around the world.
This is a powerful day for beginning. In the Seed level of all seeds the teachings of kabbalah refers to simply learning to love your neighbor as yourself. That means to start with loving yourself Knowing the Divine dwell within, giving each one unique gifts to channel the light. It is a great day to start anything you wish to do, planting Seeds, seeing it all the way through the end with clarity and certainty. This is a call to be united for 30 min as we connect through our hearts from wherever we are, sharing Love & Gratitude. Through our intentions, we'll activate and bless our water and also send positive energy wherever it is needed around the world.
This is a powerful day for beginning. In the Seed level of all seeds the teachings of kabbalah refers to simply learning to love your neighbor as yourself. That means to start with loving yourself Knowing the Divine dwell within, giving each one unique gifts to channel the light. It is a great day to start anything you wish to do, planting Seeds, seeing it all the way through the end with clarity and certainty.
You are welcome to sit in a quiet space and prepare yourself to settle inwards. Be open to receive the vibration of this DIVINE tool, entering your soul, opening to the messages of creation to reflect and project on your water within and all around.
Set yourself in a quiet place where you can give thanks to your life and purpose for being here. We will also be honoring our lineages which have brought us here. Imagine your vision clear and bright, sharing your light, illuminating the darkness, supporting each other in those days when healing, love and compassion is needed more than ever.
Please prepare a sacred space with a candle, water and whatever you feel calls to your divine light. Sit still in silence as you connect to your breath, body, and mind. Inviting your vision to come through without any judgment, open to the unknown and explore your true self to whisper to yourself from the depth of your soul. You can have calming music in the background with soothing and relaxing vibrations. You are also welcomed to use any of your tools & wisdom to make this time and space SACRED ~ charged with the most positive high vibrations you can. This is an invitation to be creative in the way you relate to the water: sing, play, paint, speak ~ All is welcome! The water is listening. Water is ALIVE. Recording, Remembering, Rewriting and so much more! Let it speak to you.
We will be holding space for the cosmic water ~ as an individual meditation journey ~ through our inner waters. Through our intentions we'll activate and bless an external water container and also send positive energy wherever it is needed around the world.
Together, One Heart ~ One Soul ~ we will give thanks to the water of Life during the new moon. We will plant Seeds of new consciousness within the Heart space. By using the power of water, we can heal our souls and create a New Vision on this planet. By healing the spiritual consciousness, we can heal our physical diseases.
I encourage you to offer some of the charged water into a body of water of your choice such as an ocean, lake, river, etc. By doing so, we actively take the responsibility of giving back to the water of life in a mindful and balanced way.
According to kabbalah teachings, WATER in its natural form is pure and perfect since it carries the energy of mercy and giving. It was not until humanity affected it with their impurities, that the structure began to alter. The water within us is the physical manifestation of the creator and holds this pure vibration from the beginning of time. With our intentions, it is our responsibility to keep it as a clean channel.
Water is the closest matter in the physical form to the light of the creator ~ we are co~creating magic with source. May we project Love & Gratitude to our inner and outer water bringing peace within and peace all around.
Ask yourself this questions:
༺ "What kind of water are we surrounded by these days? ༺" “what is the vibrational (thoughts) i hold inside me?” ༺ “what vibration can i activate my inner chamber in the liquid light form?”
༺ "What kind of water are we putting into our body? " ༺ "How can we change the molecular structure and change our own vibration?"
༺ what is your question for your reflection clarification?
All the water in the world is connected!
When we collectively raise our consciousness we RISE above our egos into a High vibration of balanced living. As we purify our thoughts sayings and actions, human consciousness can take the power of physical reality.Water is here to support us in this TRANSFORMATION.
Let us raise our vibrations together and become responsible for a Miraculous reality. When we activate this message of Love & Gratitude, someone in the world is receiving it! Our collective connection can draw this Divine Light into our water.
I also encourage you to explore your inner and outer waters. Be present with your own body in the cosmic collective as a channel for the light to come through you. We are vessels for the Divine light as special one-of-a-kind Beings. We are weaving this web of connection where all is returning to the Heart space as the essence of our being ~ Love.
New moons create opportunities to plant seeds for the upcoming month. They allow us to Re-connect with the spiritual alignment of the metaphysical realms - to aim our intentions clearly through consciousness.
For any Light to be revealed, there must be a vessel. A vessel, however, is not just a true desire; it is also trusting that something can, or will, happen. There is a very big difference between desiring something to happen and having the consciousness to understand that it is, in fact, possible.
I would love to invite you to share your offerings in any creative way you feel like: song, poem, photo, painting, words of wisdom, anything that speaks to your heart as an offering to our waters. The space is open as the web is all connected. I will be happy to post your gifts on the official @BeLoveH20 page on instagram so more hearts can join the wave and support the elevation of spreading more love, peace and harmony in this world and to our planet.
Together we are Manifesting a greater NOW. We are co-creating this collective vibration. Trust your intuition. Your unique light is needed! All are welcome to be part of this prayer.
"The memory of life arrived on this earth carried by the soul of water. From this memory, Life awoke, the human being emerged, and finally you and I were born." from The Hidden Messages in WAter by Masaru Emotoo.
BeLoveH2O PoolSpace Mandala
{clear} stickers - Available to order: {2.5’ x 4’}
Thank you for your Blessings & Offerings ~ May we bless this world with love & Unity. SHALOM
© Artwork by Tal Eshed all rights reserved 2024